
Thursday, April 23, 2015

TBT: 1954-1984 Jeep CJ-5!

Arriving first in 1954 and staying until 1984, the CJ-5 was truly a symbol for Jeep with it having the longest production run to note.

Truly universal, you could use the CJ-5 in agriculture, public service, transportation, communications, industry, and so on and it would get the job done --- from street sweeping to "acting as a public address vehicle" because it was "the world's most useful vehicle".

The CJ-5 was a bit bigger/longer than the CJ-3B and was based on the round-fendered '51 M38A1, but Willys gave the CJ-5 (its latest creation at the time) lots of "newness" at its launch:

- "Completely new!"
- "New ruggedness!"
- "New dependability!"
- "New comfort!"
- "New versatility!"

The CJ-5 stepped it up in the brakes, suspension, seating, and even the glovebox (now with cover!) departments. A new instrument panel, larger windshield, and hand brake were also great selling points.

Among the improvements made to the CJ-5s, they were also a fully boxed cross-member for rigidity and had flanged, overlapped sheet-metal for strength. There was also a new, optional, all-weather top and a new instrument panel, plus the other engineering refinements we already mentioned above.

(Article Source: FourWheeler Network)

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