
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

W2KW: Vehicle Theft Prevention!

Car Thieves.

We all worry about them. And, maybe you've just bought a new car, or maybe you still have Ol' Faithful sitting in the driveway, but you still have that nagging worry sometimes in the back of your mind when you drive it far from home. And maybe sometimes you should be. Check out these facts:

So, how can you prevent it?

1. Never leave your car running and unattended.
2. Try hard not to leave your keys in your ignition.
3. Always close your windows when you park.
4. Always lock your doors when you park.
5. Don't keep valuables in your car that could be tempting to a would-be thief.
6. Park in well-lit areas. Thieves will be dissuaded because they might be seen.
7. Try to park in areas where there are more people. The more people around, the less likely a thief would be to attempt stealing your car.

And those are our tips. Remember, always be aware!

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